Different Ways Home Accent Lighting Can Increase Your Curb Appeal

Outdoor lights can do more than make your home safer and more secure. With home accent lighting, it can highlight and maintain the visibility of the beautiful features of your home even when it’s already dark outside. Outdoor lighting also takes advantage of how things can look different at night and create a different look for your home that would otherwise be impossible during the day.

Here are the different ways you can use accent lighting to decorate your home:


Downlighting refers to light fixtures pointing the light downward an area or feature. Indoor and outdoor ambient lighting is the most common example of downlighting since it provides the most efficient way of illuminating a wide area evenly. When used for accent lighting, the light has more brightness and a cooler temperature to make it more visible than the ambient light.

Downlighting is best used when the

re is a structure or place at a higher level to install the light fixture. You can use downlighting to accent light landscape beds, water features, and other ground-level focal points in your home. Light fixtures used for accent down lighting include bullets, gimbals, and floodlights.


Uplighting refers to lighting pointed upwards and installed at ground level or a lower height than the point of interest. Like downlighting, accent uplighting also uses a narrower and stronger beam to highlight or create a feature.


Backlighting refers to the use of light behind an object to make it stand out. The light creates a bright outline around the featured object that catches the eye and gives it a different look at nighttime. 

Wall Washing

Wall washing illuminates a flat wall with light distributed evenly on the surface. It gives an illusion of the wall being completely smooth. The light also makes it look grander and more expensive than it actually is.


Grazing highlights the textures of a wall by closely placing a light fixture to it and the light pointing almost parallel to the wall. This results in the texture creating shadows that contrast against the bright surface.


Shadowing creates a feature by shining a light on an object to cast shadows on a smooth vertical surface like a wall. It makes a plain wall more interesting by creating a look only possible at nighttime. Shadowing uses trees, plants, sculptures, and lawn ornaments to create the effect on the wall.


Silhouetting uses light to create the silhouette of an object against a bright background. The light fixture is placed behind the featured object and pointed at a wall right behind it. The light reflected from the wall creates the object's silhouette behind the light fixture.


Moonlighting provides a similar effect as shadowing. But, instead of casting a shadow on a vertical surface, the shadows are cast on the ground. A tree or a tall object holds up the light fixture casting a soft light through leaves and branches. This creates an effect similar to how moonlight looks on the ground.

Contact Us!

It does not matter if you know the different ways accent lighting can decorate your home and your landscaping. It requires skill and experience to incorporate it with the other outdoor lights on a property to make it work. As a result, most property developers do not bother with home accent lighting and, instead, focus on ambient and security lighting.

But, this does not have to be the case for your home. With our expertise, you can have all three kinds of outdoor lighting to maximize the potential of your home. You can increase the appeal of your home through lighting while at the same time increasing its safety and security. You only need to schedule an appointment with our team to get started and for a free estimate for the outdoor lighting of your home.

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