Pros and Cons of LED Outdoor Lighting: All You Need To Know

You have probably already heard a lot about LED light bulbs. But, with its prevalent use for ambient and accent lighting indoors, you might ask if there are any benefits to using it for outdoor applications. So, here are the pros and cons of using LED outdoor lighting for your backyard.

The Best Uses for LED Outdoor Lighting

From the mentioned pros and cons of LED outdoor lighting, you can say that LED lights are best for illuminating objects sensitive to heat. So, if you are accent lighting trees, plants, wooden sculptures, paintings, or landscaping, LEDs are a more preferable choice. Also, due to its energy efficiency, it is a great way to save electricity on accent lighting, task lighting, and other lighting-intensive applications outdoors.

What are the Fixtures for Entertainment Lighting?


More energy efficient

LEDs waste little to no energy when producing light. This results from how it produces light from electricity. It generates light through electroluminescence, which generates less heat compared to older types of lights.


Free from dangerous chemicals

Due to how it produces light, LED bulbs do not require harmful gases to do so. This is not the case for incandescent, halogen, and fluorescent lights. These contain mercury vapor, argon, and halogen, which are all at least harmful.


Longer lifespan

Due to its long lifespan, you will be saving money by replacing LED bulbs for your outdoor lighting system. This includes savings for having your light bulbs serviced for a replacement.


Better durability

LEDs can still break when you drop them. But, they are more durable than older light bulbs since they are made of glass.


Not affected by colder temperatures

Unlike other light bulbs, LED lights do not rely on a combustible source to produce light. It performs better in colder temperatures since it reduces the stress placed on the material producing the light.


Produces less heat

LED light bulbs only produce heat at a fraction of what traditional light bulbs do. This makes LEDs less of a fire risk, especially when you are using them to decorate around flammable materials like cloth, wood, and dried leaves.

The Drawbacks of LED Outdoor Lighting

1. Expensive initial cost

LEDs have a more expensive price tag than traditional technology light bulbs. The prices are continuously becoming more affordable as more and more people are switching to LEDs. But, the price will usually be more expensive for specialty LED lights, especially those newly introduced in the market.

2. Sensitive to high temperatures

This is why most LEDs come with a warning not to place them in fully enclosed fixtures or else it would void the warranty. If you need to place it inside an enclosed space, you can use LED bulbs rated for fully enclosed placement instead.

3. Limited warm lighting options

LED light bulbs emit more blue light than any other type of light bulb. So, if you want warmer light colors and you can’t find any LED bulbs giving you the right look, you might have to use incandescent or fluorescent bulbs.

Contact Us!

If you’re looking for a top-quality, low-maintenance outdoor lighting system in Nashville, you’ve come to the right place. Here at Nashville Outdoor Lighting Systems, we pride ourselves on our customer service and high-quality products. We offer a free consultation to help you determine what kind of system would best suit your needs, and our team of experts will work with you to install it quickly and efficiently. Plus, our systems are backed by a five-year warranty, so you can rest assured that your investment is protected. What are you waiting for? Schedule your free consultation today!

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